Thursday, August 7, 2008

Psychotic guy

Now, today, this is so gonna be the most boring post of the year. Why? It's about work donk!

Today is only the day like any other dramatic days. It's the "ong" day 080808 and it's also the "ong" day when some funny people came and did some really funny thing. He came down from his room angrily, almost killing me, or strangling me and lucky enough for me, we were seperated by something called counter. We had this porcelin underliner for dates we offer for the guests over the counter. He smashed it, and guess what, it broke into pieces. Debris went flying into inside the counter even. If I get injured, I am so gonna sue him up and down. He isn't drunk, he is conscious, but he is just mentally retarded.

I am serious, he and his gang of friends has something really very wrong with their brain. You know where is he from? A place that I dislike a lot, but actually, it's more on the people. The people from that country are all the same, all are just problematic in their own rights. It was under the British rule before. They speak something like this "ching chang chong chomp chomp" with kiasu-ness and kiamsiap-ness in them as well as complaint kings and queens are from that country.

Dont think I have to describe more in detail. Omg, it's getting more and more dangerous working there, I need a life insurance. Who knows later he just strangle me to death and you will not be seeing me here, instead you will see me in hospital after getting strangled by this psychotic guy.

Please wish me best of luck lolz

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