Wednesday, September 30, 2009

That's the way

There is one thing in this world that can never be taken away from anyone.

People can try to bring you down, they can try whichever dirty methods to bring you down, to thrash you, to say stuff about you so that you look bad, and they, good. There are all these funny and weird people around, don't blame them, because, they are just, well, retarded.

It does not really matter if they are people who you know personally or just at the surface because in the end of the day, you gotta protect yourself. It is your spirit that keeps you alive, it is your principle that you gotta hold on to, until the day you die because that is your value, your pride and your dignity. Some people do not have their own dignity, well, who cares anyway.

So, keep your cool, because they look stupid, not you. They might be your so-called friends, they might be people you don't like, whoever it is, the most important, you can't fall because of them. You can't fail because of them. You gotta prove that you are strong to stand on your own, that they are not that important afterall to actually bring you down.

People might misunderstand you because you are not some gold class oscar winners actors or actresses, you are the real one, not the hypocrite, not a façade. Let them win in this way because true colours will eventually exposed. You gotta remember, the devil is you, the angel are them. Words to describe, misunderstanding, misconception, whichever they are, as long as they are happy thinking this way, it is definitely cool. Don't be them, because they do not have the courage, they do not have the guts, to confront, but speaking you-know-where. Hobbies are hobbies anyway, we shall not care.

But if they wanna play it, you gotta play along, real hard .... that's the principle ;)

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