Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Excursion to ZAGG I

Last Monday, as in not the one which has just passed .... the one last week - 25th of September was our first day of school after the mid-semester break for a pathetic one week break.

On that first day itself, we had this excursion to this place called Zagg, which is located not far away from Luzern. This is actually just a gastrnomia, not really an excursion. Previously, excursion during my HM was so much nicer in IHTTI - to Basel's zoo but this one .... soooo damn sad case. It was terribly boring there and have nothing to do except to see the display food and beverage there. We are allowed to return anytime we wish but we are encouraged to stay on until the end. Knowing me, I would not. But, just to show my enthusiasm I stayed until noon.

On the 6th photo, it's milkshake ... and there's a red light blinking in the dry ice, that's just awesome

There are so many more pics but at the mean time, 10 pics first


Anonymous said...

The cow is flying and HE has boobs!

The Pondering Introvert said...

hahhaha yesh yesh .. moooooooooo

Anonymous said...

wei tat one really is milk shake ar??

The Pondering Introvert said...

ya it's milkshake .. damn impressed