Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bad day

Hello ... back again :p

Happy Belated Birthday Kartoshe ... Happy Birthday Uncle ... :)

As I have gone for this sucky interview in Thai House located in Dulliken the other day, there are some pics from that desserted place.

As soon as we arrived at the stop, we got down and I sensed some weird smell. Oh dang! It's cow dang! As I had to cross the railway track, I went to the underground as that was the only way and who knows that the smell stayed on and as I was walking, I cant see anyone around. Moreover, it was like a very isolated, desserted, discarded, abandoned, run-down and unwanted place.

When I reached across the road, I look left ...

All I saw was Denner's ... and it's damn damn small ...

Then, I looked to my right ...

Wow ... I saw Coop's ... OMG! There's actually Coops and it was HUGE

Then again to my left ...

Wow ... there are CARS! Fab!

Then we went in earlier than the appointment time ... but we had to wait ... still. No problem. The restaurant itself is called Thai House and it's not bad I would say, in fact it was quite nice. But, mind you, it's the restaurant only. Then, okie the guy whatever his name is interviewed me. I said I did in-training before in a hotel and stuff like that, I can't lie as my CV stated that I have. But I said ... I did only a little bit just for a few days just to help myself to get rejected. Then he crapped with those restaurant stuff and later on I joined Ying who was being interviewed by the manager. She's nice he's nice but I dont like it. She then asked if Indonesians and Malaysians speak the same language ... -_- no but understandable. She then told me that the chef comes from Indonesia and Yu Wen told me later on that all of them come from Thailand -_- big liar -_- okie then salary time ... they are only offering 1,060 after all the deduction with tips comes in about 1,400 ... it's a sad case, very sad.

She took us around the restaurant then. The kitchen was not pleasant looking but still it is acceptable. Accommodation hah! As we entered the stairs that leads us to the rooms, I sensed some really weird smell. It just stinks! Then, when we saw the room, I only like the table and that's it. The room has also some weird smell but a different weird smell -_- As we go on further, I saw the bathroom from afar and it was so disgusting. I really cannot accept it. As we go on further, I saw the so-called kitchen .. oh my quackk so damn smelly but it's fine coz we would not be eating there. Fine ... as we go on further ... oh my gawd! I saw so many guys around and not even a single female there :s furthermore, all of them looked so weird. Damn freaky, I cannot stay there. Just cannot and cannot accept it no matter what.

Okie bad day .. so I thought that they will reject me big time who knows they accepted me not even 24 hours after that. They actually called that men men ngong ngong old man so early in the morning and he called me and asked when I wanna sign the contract. They said Monday or Tueday only giving me the answer okie! Depressing sial! All along the way when we left the restaurant until the bus stop, I could smell those cow dangs! Then I said I have to consider first. He said I have to give him the answer now and asked if I like the place. I told him the restaurant is not bad but not the accommodation. Then he asked if I wanna take the place. I said no, I cannot accept the acoommodation. Then, he said if I dont then I have to be responsible for my own in-training place. What the hell. OKay whatever you men men ngong ngong

Everything seems to be going very wrong and it was so wrong that we missed Luzern stop and have to go until on the way to Lugano which was so far away -_-

Song Pi Nong ... to make my day better ..

Gai ... ah loi mak

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