Monday, August 13, 2007

Day out @ ss2

Few weeks ago, or rather the Sunday before 1st of August, was the last weekend that I had my independence or freedom in a matter of fact. Three of us, as usual, not knowing where to go, ended up in KFC. Probably it's nothing special for you, just another fast food chain, but it does to me, coz I miss having KFC like .. HELL. Three of us, as in Snail, Kylie and myself.

While we were having, or rather .. after we finished, I got a call from Lait aka Mikel aka Splashmilk. He just finished his best ever movie with Oink. Then, they were coming to SS2 as well. What's next? From KFC, we hopped into the hawker center not far away from KFC. We walked, and ended up eating again. Look at this first.

I had this, I last had this the last decade [exaggerating a bit]

Then Lait ordered escargot :o I tried one, tasted like sotong, not as awful as I thought it is. Why the pic? Snail taking pic with his relatives

After awhile, we changed location to somewhere nearby to have this

I dont know what is it called, Lolo Mango? Dont know the weird name but this was what I have been told :o I had this

Lait had this

No comment ...zzzzz ....


Anonymous said...

that is mango sago ! oh how i miss that .. :(

The Pondering Introvert said...

hahahah ohhh ... my first time eating that, niceeeeee!

The Pondering Introvert said...

lol apa la susu masam

Anonymous said...

français :o ....

OMG....u're being so nice again =.= ........merci beaucoup

oh yea..the mango lolo is very nice.. in cantonese..its called "sai mai lo"

btw, y "chinese" tag???

The Pondering Introvert said...

de rien :) y cant i put that tag =.=

§pinzer said...

who is Oink miss pig who confused thinking she's a dog or a cow?!?!?

hahaha.... ei movie movie Ratattouilleeeeeee!

The Pondering Introvert said...

hahahha there the one that admitted he's oink hha .. you want oink or pig? oink sounds cuter, still give face leh :p woooof~

come come movieeee :D friday la ha

Iwan said...

snail posing with his relative.. so funny!!

adoi, makan banyak banyak, tak takut gemuk eh??

the 1st pic is ice kacang is it??

The Pondering Introvert said...

yesh la snail and snail haha :p

tak takut .. makan banyak = gembira :p hehe

yah that's ice kacang slurpppp

Kevin Broken Scar said...

yeah these mango/melon sago lolo's seem to be pretty popular even here in Melbourne. I'm guessing it came from Hong Kong coz the honkee restaurants have them.

The Pondering Introvert said...

yea i think it's from them lolz only cafes hongky style has it :p

tIcKLeMe said...

escargot and escargots ambil gambar. :O

The Pondering Introvert said...

yesh manis tak

Anonymous said...

escargots taking pics isnt the main thing here.... =.= ..the thing is, someone here actually ate escargot.... :o :o

The Pondering Introvert said...

wat's wrong with eating that, it's food