Saturday, October 27, 2007

World of difference

Weather is freaking hot today until my Vater told me that better for me to stay in Swiss hehe :p I know it was only 9am that time, so how hot can it be, rite? But no, it was THAT hot, sun was so blardy fierce, shining so brightly and can even shine through me. WOaH hehe. Have you realized the clock on my side bar? YEah ... swiss time had gone back one hour ... so it is now 7 hours behind us now instead of 6, the arrival of winter. I WANTTTTTTTT winter =.=

I am having my day off tomorrow and I got another day on Tuesday. This is my first ever time in 3 months that I get to rest for 2 consecutive days. I'm serious shit. How nice back then, get 2 days in a week at least. Annual leave here 8 days in a year I think, for 6 months you get about 4 days. You know how many days is the minimum in Swiss? 2 weeks!! For the one I worked for, I got 2 and a half weeks and for permanent staff, they get 5 weeks in a year!!!! Not to mention I get to go home early when it isn't busy!!! SEE THE DIFFERENCE? This is pure abuse.

I'm off so yah, anyone wanna go Murni? I'm dying to go for so long now. I cannot take it, I have to go!! Don't care I will go!!! MUSTTTTTTT


Iwan said...

i dun like winter..

it seems like the perk working in swiss is so lucrative!!


y not u just work kat swiss jer?

can rite?

enjoy ur rest days, dik..

Iwan said...

i dun like winter..

it seems like the perk working in swiss is so lucrative!!


y not u just work kat swiss jer?

can rite?

enjoy ur rest days, dik..

The Pondering Introvert said...

i luveeeeeeeeeee winter cannot la if can work i already do n i will be there by now haha