Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Angel and Devil 4

To be continued ...

One fine day out of the blue, Angel went up to Devil to question about them. Devil was practically surprised and taken aback by that question as, for such a long time they have not been talking and suddenly going up to her asking question about them. Stunned was the word. She answered what she thought. Angel suddenly said that there are some things going around about them and that it isn't just one or two, but a whole lot of them whom she doesn't wanna mention who. As curious as one is, Devil knows very well that no matter what, Angel will not tell or mention anything to her anymore. Both knows the status roughly and knows where they both stand for the other. Friendship had turned sour, tremendously.

After knowing that friendship had turned to the bad side, Devil thought that maybe there's some way that it could be saved. She tried her best but it wouldn't work when it's just one side. Months had passed and there is no progress. Obviously, I guess both doesn't enjoy each other's company anymore. Everything was kept to Devil herself, and none of the friends know about this and people just thought that they are just as close as before, or probably not as close but still are while for Angel, her friends know about them and I supposed it is obvious how do they know about it yea.

Devil was already on the way back and it left to ponder if she should get something. Yes, for returning the favor. What favor I don't know.

Now, the drama begins when both are in the same place same country. So many things were hidden previously from her. Friends around will eventually know. One day, they will come face-to-face with each other. How do they cope?

... Til the next episode

.. TO be continued


Anonymous said...

drama betul -.-

The Pondering Introvert said...

hahahha drama series :D

Iwan said...

eh.. this one untill episode berapa?

Anonymous said...

ooo..to be continued again? devil want peace..angel keep running..the ending must be happy ending kan?? kan??!! :P cant wait for the next episode lol!!

tIcKLeMe said...

lol omg, like weekly tv series la. kekekeke. :P

Anonymous said...

but nice weiii~~~i enjoy it :D

The Pondering Introvert said...

iwan: tak tau :p

anom: LOL .. come wait for more hehe

sp: this is every few days series lolz

Anonymous said...

i'm waitingg~~~ :D

The Pondering Introvert said...

now who is this, mama? o.O

Anonymous said...

mama???!! Mean ur mom also read ur blog ya?!! cool :P never mind being invisible doesnt mean unknown person...but of course i know u know me ;)This is one kind of drama also right?? he..he..

The Pondering Introvert said...

o-kay haaha no more story then :p

Anonymous said...

haha..lets go eat cake at bakerzin~~!!! finish the story lol!!!