Monday, February 25, 2008


Most people who just came out FRESH .... from wherever and start their journey with a new beginning often encounter these words .... responsibility ... commitment ... and most people do not wanna face it THAT fast. Once these words are part of somebody, it will stick to them for the whole life.

Last few days, I have been hearing something .... "my whoever and whatever is getting married this whichever day" then there comes another one "my cousin is getting married this whatever" and it goes on and on. The nearest to me that I saw was my neighbour's. I have always think that wedding is boring. Can't they do something different like run away from home and come back with a wedding cert, rather than have a wedding ceremony invite people and inviting people meant ... you are asking money from them directly, but in an indirect words. Get what I mean? Just so ... BORING.

I am seriously not a fan of weddings. Too boring for my liking. Probably, the best part about wedding these days are just the ... ahem ... beverages. Even the food these days aren't impressive anymore, the attraction has lost its soul. Be there because ... well ... we are all kiasu ... redpacket given out which means ... just attend it to prevent loss or to minimize it.

For instance ... the neighbour ... just one word to describe the whole thing ... BORING. I did not attend and I am so glad I did not, as I can predict what will happen, I will be bored to death. Sometimes, I just wonder, why do people need to get married >.< Do they do it because they want it, or because they just wanna please the people surrounding them. Left to ponder umm .. you know people just follow the cycle of life ... where everyone does the same thing, SUPERBLY boring, MAN!

I know ... I might be doing the same thing as well ... because ... well ... I have no life LOLLL :D


Chee Ching said...

Yay, I very long never attend weddings already. Hm, it is kinda boring. XD

The Pondering Introvert said...

better dont, so boring sit there in one position boring to the max :p

Anonymous said...

weddings = business ...

The Pondering Introvert said...

LOL yeshhh :p