Saturday, February 6, 2010


If only life is fairer, everyone will be happier ...
If only sometimes we get what we wanted, everyone will be happier
If only there are no sadists in this world, everyone will be happier
If only everyone supports peace and harmony, everyone will be happier
If only our superiors have their right mind, everyone will be happier

AH, if there is one question for me, if I have regretted my decision. My answer were maybe 70-80% without regrets previously, but now, it's 199% I do not regret any single freaking path that I took.

First: It has been more than one bloody month I am working noon, people's aware. I am not saying anything because, I know people's aware. I am not making noise.

Second: Every 2 weeks, I get night shift, are you trying to kid me now? My colleagues ... they get night shift after 10 days only, and one who work 10 days straight without a off, and back to night. Ah ... exploitation

Third: I requested morning. You told me you're gonna put me morning, and the way you said it, people will understand as the whole week morning. When the schedule is out, what I saw was ... I am afternoon and 5pm all the way throughout the most important days of CNY. Now you come telling me why didn't I put the requests, new girl came to request, she got it. Ah I got it, Black and White right

Forth: She planned my life for me. CNY Eve I get morning, go for reunion dinner, on CNY PM shift, celebrate in the morning then come to work. Since she plans for me, I wonder if she wants to live my life for me as well?

Fifth: According to her, I am resigning, so ... after this I can do what I want. Like as if CNY comes every month. So, you have the rights to exploit us, abuse us, and not treating us like humans. Can the labour people come and ... spot check on these people to see if they are exploiting us, BIG TIME!

Sixth: I understood your difficulty in planning schedule especially for the upcoming CNY as there are so many who applied for leaves. I, just asked for AM, now you're giving me THIS kinda schedule back to me. How wonderful eh. Thank You so much. Like really I appreciate THIS. Now, you're taking it for granted.

Seventh: Which part of me does not look like Chinese except that I can't speak it? I still celebrate. Thank you, if you wonder.

Eighth: We are all not being treated like humans. I can tell you, very frankly. Unappreciative bunch of whatever you call them as.

Ninth: We don't say anything, it does not mean it is okay. When we say something, you say we are being difficult. What really do you want. It's really sickening.

The decision to walk out from the door on Feb 28 is indeed a very wise decision and I guess, this is the most memorable one. I wanna save myself from falling deeper. It's damn frustrating, simply pissing off to have people like this. Why do they always have to go against us. They have issues with us, all the time. Of me walking out, is worth every single penny. Even if I do not have a job, is really worth it. Sakit hati. FRUS okay, FRUS!


snail said...

glad that you decided to walk off.

whtever it is, look forward for march.

The Pondering Introvert said...


y.u.w.e.n said...

chill yo! the resigning people are not important, hence to be treated like a non-human *peace*

The Pondering Introvert said...

really, this is a way of telling us that nah .. who are we ... after 2 and a half years there, this is how they are treating us in return, bravo