Thursday, April 1, 2010


Ah. I am finally done with shopping, to shop an outfit for this coming Saturday's wedding dinner.

Why is it so difficult. Why must wedding dinner be formal. Why stick to that tradition of having to wear glamour clothes.

Why not do something different. Like, dress in punk. Haha. Or hip hop. Or beach wear. Go to a wedding dinner with slipper is uber cool okay. Right? Right? Then people like me do not need to have a tough time figuring out what to wear. Right? Right?

I believe if there is one in this world, there are many more :P Time has changed, think outside the box, we don't need to always follow all these, right? :P haha.

Looking at pictures earlier, it reminded me of something not so funny. =.= Once upon a time, there were rules in the house, whereby stupid was not allowed to used and instead it was strictly prohibited. Just like the MOP, never say no, find alternatives. So, I found alternatives. Since I could not do it verbally, I could do it on paper, right? The rules did not say I am not allowed to write. So, I wrote. But only to know that my spelling fail big time, I wrote "supit" Nvm, I am smart enough now, I can spell it. XD That was then. I think I was a born hotelier, even like so many years ago, I already know about MOPs :P
Also another alternative when you are superbly mad and not allowed to use stupid again, is ... orang ori. This is just an alternative of the alternative I used before. It does not mean that they are but ... the slang.


plue said...

aiya. wear only jeans and go. at least i do tat and get away with it!


why u sho skinny. shit. i want oso.

The Pondering Introvert said...

mrs jang ... wedding sudah lepas lor ... hahaha ... skinny ..i think u better ask ur oppa's friend XD hahaha :P

plue said...

my oppa's friend? JGS? LOL

The Pondering Introvert said...

yeah ... JGS :P hahaha oops :D