Monday, June 25, 2012

한국: Day 1 Part 2

On the day we arrived in Jeju, we didn't really do anything as it was already evening by the time we settled down in the room. It's more like an evening walk on that day. Our journey had finally begun.

We took a stroll along the road there as there were restaurants around, so we just hopped in to those that do not look too luxurious for our pocket. Apparently, the street there is famous for Black Pork. It's called the Black Pork Street and every restaurant, or most of them were just advertising the black pork there and nothing else.

Who will ever say NO to food, right? Here comes the nice part, FOOD! It was getting colder as the sun had gone down, and we still chose to sit out where we can feel the wind. That can complement with alcohol really well.

Ahhhh ... the food ...

I have been good since January, please give me a break. Allow me to drink. On the first night itself ^^

So, it was us .. haha

That pic earlier wasn't just beer, but it's also Soju. It's how they drink there. Mix them together and gulp haha. Put the soju first, followed by beer.

Tadaaa ....


Anonymous said...

Im hungry now man =.=


The Pondering Introvert said...

heheeee ... yumz