Tuesday, November 13, 2012

One Year

This day, one year ago, was when I started this path I am taking now. I have decided that I will need to stop the path of life I was taking previously before I can start a new one.

It was one of my best decisions in my life because I've never regretted, I've never looked back and most importantly, I am very much happier now compared to before. I didn't even know what I was doing there for more than 1 year. Seriously, now looking back after one year where bitterness had passed, now I am already in a very stable and rational state of mind, it's something I still can't figure out.

I was such a loner, I didn't know why I made that decision initially to be there. Maybe, out of desperation. But well, the nightmare ended. In fact, I knew it from the very beginning that I do not wanna be there for long. I wanted to be there temporarily.

I feel more human now, I feel like this is more of a place I would like to be in, rather than that place. The moment I came here, I felt so out of place because for more than a year, I see nobody, I see no one. When I saw that there are actually people in the world, only I realized, how much have I miss and lost for more than a year. I finally realized there are people in the world besides myself. It was the aftermath of having no contacts with people for more than a year. That's just terrible for my mental health.

Everything is history now. This has just been a year and there's a long long way to go now.

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