Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Konichiwa Day 3 Part 1

2 night passed just like that. We left quite early in the morning. I mean, when you travel by tour, there's no way they are going to let you leave later. It's always hectic. But, thank God, they don't finish exactly that late. There's nothing to see or open when it's late anyway. Hehe.

This is the place I have been looking forward to, the Bear Museum! It's called the Noboribetsu Bear Park. I actually have SO SO SO SO many pictures. Unfortunately, due to some really unforeseen circumstances, it had all been sacrificed. It's casualties. I fell in love with the bears. There are apples sold and you can actually buy them to feed the adorable bears.

Oh of course, like anywhere else around the world, there's a souvenir shop. They were selling ice-cream so I grabbed it. The chill went down my spine. Woolala. Oh btw, horse cream is really popular there. I don't know how effective is that but it is said that it can be used for athlete's foot, as a moisturizer for your skin, sun block and so forth. Reviews are actually pretty good that I saw online. But, no I didn't get it.

Oh it was Chinese New Year. We had the normal "lou sang" there. In fact, I don't find this enjoyable. But, following the chinese tradition, this is something people do during the Lunar New Year. Wishing everyone with abundance of happiness. Unlike in Malaysia, HK, China & Singapore, Japan does not celebrate the Lunar New Year. However, Korea does though and it's known as Seollal New Year.

Oh the lunch. I have been eating and eating there. There are quite a lot to eat. It's great to eat stuff like that when it's so cold out there :D

OOh ... it was actually freezing but I thought I can survive with just the vest haha. It's not exactly bad, only when the wind attacks, it's when you will feel it. Otherwise, it's fine.

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