Monday, November 11, 2013

Deprived of Clothes or Cheapo?

Recently, I came across a picture of a girl in Instagram. I don't have any Instagram account, yeah being outdated or not, it doesn't really matter, but someone sent that picture to me.

The moment I saw the picture, I was so disgusted and grossed out. A picture of a girl with her skimpy inner wear, putting up on a public place like Instagram. Wow, really? I'm not sure what she's trying to show the world, like how beauti-fool her ass is? Nobody will be attracted. Instead, people will look lowly on people like you.

It's nothing to do with me absolutely. But, it has something to do with me when girls like that that contribute to the society where the reputation of girls gets lower and lower. That the mindset of people will eventually start to think that we are here, born to please a certain species called, the guys, which is untrue. It makes me mad.

Furthermore, being born in this society and culture, with a religious background, you should know how to act decently. Ooh did I mention that this thing has a bf too. God, what's happening to the world.

So, when losers and desperados start disturbing girls like her, they will then start to whine and rant as well as start complaining why guys love to disturb her. I'm sure of that. Guess what? You asked for it. If you don't trigger a certain something, things won't happen. There's a reason behind everything that happens. Like, cheapo, seriously? Deprived of clothes or just plan cheap? It is definitely the latter. What a shame you bring on to your family. I pity them.

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