Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My cravings

I had a sudden craving for asam laksa, well not that sudden, it was with me for the past one month now, and I do not seem to be giving in to my cravings, but to just ignore it until there comes a day when I just could not withstand the cravings any longer. It got to the point that I just have to satisfy myself no matter what, and it does not matter if it is not the good asam laksa, but as long as the taste is there, I'm fine with it. I have been waiting for that day to finally come.

It got me so happy. This pic was taken months ago when I was out in The Curve one day, which was not worth remembering of. Since that pic was taken then, I shall just post it up and be done with it. The main point now is not about that day, the whole point now is about having asam laksa. It was yesterday that I had asam laksa with Piggy, and today, again, I forced her to see me to eat asam laksa again. I don't know what is wrong but perhaps, I have left my cravings unsatisfied for far too long that is why I am feeling the urge of wanting to eat it over and over again.

Frankly speaking, I have endless stories about babis these days, and it's all about different babis, question now is, should I blog about babis? If yes, I do not know how to start, where to start and how to end it because it's way way too many. When it's past, I just do not have the feeling to blog about it, and there comes a time when I just have that intention to blog about it again and when I finally sit in front of this pc about to start, I'm lack of ideas and creativity. My interest and my way of blogging had changed for sure, and for now, I do not know how to blog in that way I used to about babis anymore. So now question to ponder tonight, should I blog about babis? Current babis and the past babis. Oh man, they have so many classes for that. My gawd.

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