Saturday, September 4, 2010

Distorted Legs

There was once upon a time in July when I got hit by a so-called leg disease, that until today, is known as unclassified, and my question to that mystery on why did I even got strike by a rash, remains unknown.

2 weeks to go and these rash will be here for 2 months already. I had medications, but it was not getting any better, in fact it got worse. Hence, I stopped the medication. It's really becoming like burn marks. It's tedious looking, and am not exaggerating. Appa said this is utterly ridiculous to have seen a doctor, and not getting any better, in fact, far worse than it originally was.

Left leg

Right Leg

It became so terrible that I still can't leave my house without a long pants or jeans. I can't go out with any short pants anymore. My legs is so distorted now. I was blessed with a normal pair of legs, now, it's beyond help. Any magician around?

It originally was like this My Leg is Awesome

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