one person sitting on the chair in the middle of nowhere, and one person standing, it's confirmed a cutting hair session. Ah Boi cut for me last year, middle of the semester.
I had my hair cut in Uptown and if it is not because it is good, I will not even go there. Why? I hate the traffic, I hate the parking. Double parking, triple parking ... anything. I spent an hour looking for a parking space. Totally insane. Nothing dramatic, still long but it is considered short if it is to be compared to the before-cut.
This time I really have a hair cut coz usually I just trim it, 38 RM wash and cut, cheapppp only 12 CH haha
wah... muka looks so fierce!!
yeah ! i agree with iwan.
smile la :p
omg, u really cut liao!!!!! :O :O :O
iwan: enggak =.= not fierce :D
jason: smile edi haha
sp: yah ... think i main main ka haha but it's not short at all :p
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