We have been talking about patriotism over and over again for so many years and yet there's no conclusion to it, everything seems to be at square one repeatedly every single year. It's always and forever will be the topic once August approaches.
We condemn as much as we love for our own reasons. When we are here, all we wanna do is to leave the country, but as soon as we are out of the country, that's the last thing you wanna do. How ironic, but it's true.
Those days, there wasn't a need to show how patriotic we are, there's not a need to sing, not a need to put up flags and stuff like that because patriotism comes from within. Today, it's the other way round. Patriotism is shown through actions. But ... when it comes to within, how many actually really are.
I believe that no matter how we condemn our country, we still love it. Probably there are a handful of people who hates it as much as they can. There are of course but not that I care. I realized that being out of the country makes someone becomes more patriotic haha. Well, there was a time that this babited huten condemned the country like shit in front of a total stranger and all. It's such a disgrace I tell ya. It was such a pissing off time that maybe, not many could understand that feeling. I don't see a point of dropping your country's name in front of a foreigner.
If one does not intend to promote and not proud about the country, then say nothing, don't open that big mouth to tell people that this country sux. I can remember that day very vividly.
We are a nation, not an individual, that's why ... my name in MSN became anak Malaysia
if any of you were wondering at that moment, that incident was an inspiration and a turning point.
selamat hari merdeka, anak malai!
i have jalur gemilang with me :o ......
sp: hahaha yay anak malai kerja =.=
snail: eksyen la tu =.=
hahha..yaler..ltr going to watch fireworks :p ...hahhahahhaha
syok giler~
have hope, have faith..its merdeka...ntg is impossible :)
happy working ~
it's not funny ... if u wanna show off, say nothing ... if you wanna piss me off, say more i shall block u forever
i agree with you completely!! gambate michy! *muax muax* this post so the powderpool...give me semangat! malaysia we love you! :D
iwan: wah u became msian LOL
claudine: haha ... true mar *muax muax* LOL powderpool edi upgraded from powderfool hahaha oh malaysia our country :p
Yes, never degrade your own family
You don't go on telling bad things bout your own family right
Some people have got to learn to keep quiet
but they cant seem to understand that, they thought it's something to be proud of when in actual fact it isnt, sad people -_-
I know two such ppl who hate Msia. You should know one mochii..told you about the incident before..wanna blow things up he says (though now claims to be patriotic). The other one tells me things trying to stir up racial tension. So sad case both of them.
forgot to add, those two ppl are in the UK..
onii, the buaya? :p so fake =.=
lol so desu ne :o
i dont wanna be a "C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " schnecke .. =.=
try not to 'upgrade' anymore.... *swt*
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