Hiyak! Ahhh ... my farewell does not seem to ending at all, were there too many pictures taken? I have already cut out like hell lotsa pics. I'm still not finishing just yet. Just two more entries including this will be DONE. Finally. Arasoyo. XD
The day we went back was actually a busy day for them, they were running in and out of the office, and wow, we just left just at the very right time, the time when they were super busy. Haha, I know it's bad I know, but well, we had our time for that too.

That was the pen we got with name engraved. And of course, our all-time fave senior, has transferred to another department. Since then, everything had changed =.=

Oh well ... haha

They call this the Biatch Family =.= with Fufu as Mama, Richard as Daddy :S and Mei Li of course the youngest coz she is the biatchiest .... dot dot dot

Siao Lang too ... coincidence he came down :D

He is so gonna miss us right, no more drinking buddy :P
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you're so boring
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