5 days to go marks my 2 months of not drinking any beverage with alcohol. It's like I went for fasting too, on alcohol though.
The last time I drank was on July 10th. The last time I clubbed was in June something, that I can't even recall.
I feel so mortalised these days, no longer a Goddess. I used to be able of not sleeping, not eating, and I can go through a day just like that. It was unhealthy but it was not a problem for me to go through it like that. Now, I can't do that anymore. I guess back then I was so immune that I can go on sleeping for only 2 hours and straight to work, for the next 10 hours, standing, without any rest. It's only when I finally sit down, I felt so exhausted. Or, I can even not sleep for 36 hours, with 2 days of work in between and not sleeping. Insomnia really killed me. Big time. I could not differentiate between 7am and 7pm by looking at the sky. I had nightmares. I jumped out of bed too many times.
At times, I could not sleep so badly, I drank, and ... I felt I had one of the very best sleeps I had in a long long time. Alcohol does help. It's not how bad like how you think it does to someone. I'm not taking too much alcohol anyway. I am just a social light drinker. haha. Now, I have stopped for 2 months now, completely stopped. Compared to *toot toot toot toot* I am nil, I am useless haha. Working in a place where clubs are so easily acessible, you just can't blame me, can you.
Now that it's not that nearby anymore, I seem to be separated from alcohol. I am drifting further and further away from alcohol, which people think might be a good thing. However, I just don't think it is. Alcohol isn't all that bad. Keroso, alcohol fasting is not as easy as you think it is too haha. You do have cravings every now and then, but you just gotta force yourself to stay away.
This is actually an achievement and I think I have done it! My mission and vision in 2010. haha. It is not to stop, but to slow down and I think I exceeded that.
OH YEAH .. Way to go! Though ... I have alcohol in my room, still. HAHA. That's for emergency okeh!!
ermm... yea rite. You'll drink here :P
LOLLL ... if only there's accommodation hahaha ... it's yes thzat's right :P
once a drinker, always a drinker!
goddess unni! LOL
anio, chi geum, im fasting .. alcohol-fasting lolz
when u wanna buka? XD
buka botol? buka puasa? when the time is right hahaha XD
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