Christmas is again around the corner. I thought it was just January yesterday. How can time flies just like that? The speed of time is getting more and more ridiculous. Don't you feel so? I'm nearing 30. OMG! Can I turn back the clock to be 23 again? :(
Every year, no matter where am I, we just do have the Christmas exchange gift huh? I'm talking about work. Yeah, we gotta exchange Christmas presents among colleagues. It's not by choice, it's by force. It really defeats the purpose if most of them are doing it for the sake of doing it, just because you say everyone has to do it. Christmas is all about sincerity, giving. But, when it's not from the heart, what is the whole point of having Christmassy feeling? What's the whole point of buying presents and exchanging it? It's really meaningless. So, you see, all have all those super happy mood to exchange gifts ... maybe I don't know, then all of a sudden, they say, budget is this certain amount per person and that location wise is where you and I will go for supper, stall. You wanna celebrate but where is the turkey? haha. But, I can only smell Mee Goreng. haha.
How sincere it is when you have spent only 5 minutes choosing the gift, because it had reached your budget? This is the most efficient ever shopping I had in my entire life when buying for presents. Last year, I spent one whole day for just one person's Christmas present, and I spent 5 times more than this amount I did today. Usually I get very stressed up for cracking my head up down centre middle ... this time, I don't even feel a pinch. Does it say something already? Perhaps.
I don't know why am I feeling that dreadful feeling so badly. Not like I have to pay for the meal or something, but I'm not liking the whole idea I guess? Last year was considered a grand celebration compared to this year, seriously.
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