Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stop Complaining

Complaining about stuff is a very common thing here. People love to complain, just about everything and anything.

But sometimes, they don't realize it may get out of hand from the receiver's point of view. Imagine if a person comes to you complain all the time, all the freaking time you meet or however you keep in contact with, don't you feel so discouraged? I know I do.

What I believe is to surround yourself with more positive people. If you surround yourself with negative people, who knows to only complain and nothing else, you're not going anywhere, and eventually you will be one of them too.

It's okay and it's understandable if you wanna complain about a certain issue at times. I know life is not as beautiful as how people put as, it sucks at times, but to complain about the same issue over and over again, to the same people, isn't it just too much to take? Or maybe they complain to everyone they meet? I don't know. I don't wanna be one of you who only love to complain and nothing else.

But they don't understand that you have your own problems and issues too, it's not only them. So, why do they make it sound like they are the only one facing difficulties and unhappiness? If you are so unhappy with your current state, do something about it and not just complain. Must I tell you what to do at this age, no right? It's either you stay where you are and stop complaining since it's your so-called comfort zone, or you leave. Simple, you don't like Option 1, you take Option 2. It's either, or. It's choices and decisions. It's what everyone goes through. You don't like to make decisions then stay there and shut up.

I know that talk is cheap. That is why even for myself, I am doing something about it. I am unhappy with things are at the moment, but it doesn't mean I have to complain everytime. I have stopped all that, except maybe a very exceptional case. Surround yourself with more positive and happier people and you will be good too. I am not sitting around doing nothing either. I believe if you put the effort to do something, then you have more rights to complain haha. At least you did something and not wait for things to change overnight in your sleep.


Anonymous said...

complaining about people complaining rocks! xD

leaving on a jetplane soon.. take care! tata!


The Pondering Introvert said...

yea i know lolz ... haha but i can't help it sorry ^^

Eeeee where are you going??? Why MIA for so long!!

Anonymous said...

1) Kiwi's
2) Emu's & Tasmanian Devils
3) Water puppets
4) Lea Salonga

MIA?? I'll probably be off the radar completely come next month =/

btw, I've already closed off my account whhheeee!!

The Pondering Introvert said...

why like that? u dont wanna talk to me anymore? why? Explain!