Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Lombok Day 6 Part 2

After breakfast, we did not do anything. All I remembered was that I was busy lazing around in the villa.
In the late afternoon, we had a stroll deeper in. Where ko-ko-mo is located is already considered really deep in and people don't usually walk there unless they stay there. We walked even deeper in bare footed to see what's there

The grey stuff started to pile up right above our heads

I did not know I got so much tanner.

Then, before we can reach ko-ko-mo on time, it started raining and we had to sprint our way back as we were not even walking with our slippers. The ground was hot, and it was raining. haha. We stopped, and then, tea time took place.

Right after tea time, we headed for dinner. haha.

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