Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Walking Away

"I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day"

To those who are familiar, it's by Craig David. I'm so good at this and I can only get better with time. Being a Libran, they have to be surrounded with people, there has to be a companion at all times. That does not make them an extrovert. They just want someone to be around because they can't be alone.

So many years had gone by, and I am walking away more and more. It does not make me sad, it does not make me angry, because, each person you walk away from makes you a stronger person. Each phase is a lesson to learn. If you think about it, it's not that all a bad thing. In fact, if these people are toxic, it's best you do. You know it best if you should, or shouldn't. This can be your close friends, your favorite friends, or your best friends. It does not matter anymore if you have decided if you should leave. If you think you are falling back, being low, and all those things, it's a sign.
That's exactly how I felt. It was complaint after complaint. From work, to family, to friends, to just random stuff that happens daily and it can go on and on and on. Well, I am not oblige to listen to all these BS every single day. Eventually, one gets fed up. Haha. When the complaint starts, I would pretend that I'm busy. Hahaha. But, how much more can I pretend? Not much honey.

Okay, on a separate note, I was told that I should be nicer. I should be considerate on their feelings. Ooh? Makes sense. Yes, they are right. However, not knowing that they were the same to me. "They" is a very general reference, not anyone in particular by the way. I don't get it, and I don't understand. Why is it okay that they are mean to me, but it is not okay that I return the treatment? Let me get this straight. I have to be nice all the time, and they don't have to? I have to be considerate, but they don't have to. But, why? I love to be the Karma judge. haha. Apart from that, I am a strong believer in equality. So, let's scrap the idea of it's okay them being that, and not okay me being this.
What do you do? That's when you play Craig David's song - walking away. There's no reason for you to stay being friends with these people. And, do you know the world's population? I bet you can find more friends. You don't need these people. You're better off alone than to be with these bunch. It amazes me that that I can be as chilled as this when it happened. I was as chill as I am right now when I walked off.

I do know that whatever I am doing right now, there are spies. Regardless where I am. Whether it's over social media, or at the streets. I know, people are watching, and people are looking. As I said it, it does not bother me. If you think that I am alone and as lonely as the lone wolf, you're wrong. Again, think as you please. It's okay. Every individual has the right and freedom to think whichever way they want. Thank you for being part of my life, once upon a time. You can always reply me "you're welcome" I really don't mind. But, please ask me this question. "Are you happy?" YES I AM. hehe.

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