Monday, July 27, 2009

Insomnia Kills

I'm back after few days gone missing. Last week I had a major insomnia. Things are just getting worse. My insomnia is just getting the better of me. I have absolutely no clue why is it getting worse instead of better, since that I have been on shifts for almost 2 years now.

I woke up at 2pm on Thursday afternoon. It was the night also that I could not sleep before I go to work. Yes, from 2pm, I did not sleep til the morning when I was going to work. 7am I started work, feeling so lethargic. It was so frustrating not being able to sleep. Worked for 9 hours .. til 4pm. I left hotel, and since it was a Friday, I went out because even if I go home, I do not have any dinner. I was so sleepy at work that I did not read Kylie's message properly. Anyways, I went out with her, waited at the housing area for her and I dozed off in the car, for like few minutes before Zha Bo called and yea continue waiting haha. Anyways we went out, had dinner, had a good time and oops dropped by at Kylie's place. Well, she gladly offered a can of beer. Since she offered, I took and drank it. Honestly, I suddenly felt so blissful, because finally I was able to sleep, even though it only meant 3-4 hours. It was 35 hours straight I did not sleep. It was indeed torturing. 35 hours is alright for me for not sleeping, but not when work in involved. After work, off I went again, out, for flea market. I came home and off to bed, for 2 hours, and off to dinner, slept another like 3 hours, and off to work again. On Sunday, I finally fainted on my bed big time, could not even wake up for dinner. 4 sleepless nights is enough to kill me mentally and physically. On Sunday, even when I was reading newspaper, I almost fell asleep on the table, not to mention even when I was eating, or standing, or whatever I was doing do not seem to be able to keep me awake for the rest of the day. I was so sleepy that I could not differentiate a locker key and a car key.

People say, smoking kills, I say insomnia kills.


Alvin Iwan said...

did u try to go and see the doctor??

The Pondering Introvert said...

no, coz .. only at times it suddenly got serious, once my body get used to it, it's gonna be alright :D

Jason Lioh said...

Yes, insomnia kills and they kill you silently too.

The Pondering Introvert said...

yes yes darn right

Jason Lioh said...

So your nick now is Vampy? -___-ll

The Pondering Introvert said...

since awhile ago lolz