Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Punk

I think, I will continue being short hair this year.

However, I am not sure if I will continue with this length, or shorter. Last year, was the year that my hair went superb short, compared to my 25 years of life. I didn't have to go for any trim or cut for the next few months haha. It was short til I could spike it up but before I know, my hair grew long til I could not spike it anymore.

If given a chance, an opportunity, and if I were not in this line, I will go for braid and punk. Haha. I used to like braid a lot, when I was in college. But it died down. However, the punk has not died yet. Damn, I love punk.

Yes, I know, with that superbly long hair, and I got a dramatic cut. Haha. The feeling is so darn nice, though people feel the pain, I don't. I feel it's such a relief, but they in turn, feel the pain I supposed to endure? Because, it's so long, it's so black, and I am not supposed to cut it? Haha, what man. I am planning for something to my hair, but I do not know what.

I think VERY and CHONGMA short hair is really awesome. Haha. Punk ... my love for punk. Aww.... :D if I don't do that these few years, I would not do it anymore, and not anymore, in this lifetime. That is only if I am given an opportunity, if I ever walk out from this industry. I regretted why didn't I meet Vincent before this, like when I was in college. Then I could do something PUNK back then, and I will not regret anymore even if I don't do it now.

I just wonder, how will it turn out. At least, I experience it. At least, I went through a punk stage in my life. HAHA. How I wish if the place I am working for is like the competitor, which starts with the letter T and ends with S. Then they will definitely encourage me doing that. Sigh.

Wait for the news. HAHA.


Anonymous said...

I wish not approve on it. I over polite post. Specially the title-deed attracted me to be familiar with the sound story.

The Pondering Introvert said...

Huh? What do you mean? What over-polite? And er ... why do I need an approval from someone anonymous? Haha unless you tell me who are you :P