Saturday, July 24, 2010

My skin is awesome

Last Monday, I was hit by some itchiness. It became bad. It was terrible. It looks hideous. I took some medication. It got slightly better, it wasn't that itchy anymore, the marks got less redder. Few days later, it didn't get any better. It has been a week now and I wonder will this leave a scar eventually. I do not have many long pants :o It really looks like I have some chronic disease o.O OMO! Ottoke? Ottokajo? Shiro! It looks like some cut, but I am very sure I did not cut myself with any possible things. I do not handle paper, leaves, knives(-_-) and whatever there are.

I have a long list of history of this. Hajiman, it's not until this extent before. I had my face swollen just because of one pair of ear rings. I got rash all over my body by just eating durians. A few more times of uncontrollable itchiness due to a few more piercings. OH YEAH! I'm awesome. Wth! =.=