This is like a dream come true. I went to my dream place in April 2010. Yesh, this year! Yesh, roughly 5 months ago. Guess what? I think, it's all fated. I was supposed to go to the US instead, to visit my brother as I guess this is the only opportunity I have. After all the trouble making arrangements and all, I even went to the US embassy here for the interview session (sounds so like job hunting), after all the hoo-has, only to know that my visa got REJECTED. Why? Ah, apparently, I do not have enough evidence. What evidence? Don't know what don't wanna know either, my visa got rejected, period. Do you know the close to 500 bucks that was paid earlier, the whole lum sum, is BURNED as well? Oh yeah .. I can buy a phone with that amount of money okeh? From that very moment, I ... will boycott that place. My 2nd dream is crashed. That's fine. I think I prefer and I love Korea more, my Nampyeon is there no matter what.
Before I went, people reminded me over and over again, remember to come home. I think they are afraid that I will get married and settle down there, forgetting that my home is actually here. HAHAHA. They specifically mentioned do not get married, and please come home. =.=

My very first time seeing Hangbok in front of my eyes, also the very first time seeing it. This portrait, is the dude that made Korea famous. Classic. No, I didn't go mad over him, I have my own one. :P

The top picture as well as this picture is taken in Jeju Island. This is a myth, whether my background, is actually a dragon, or a pig's head. It depends on how you see it, until today, it seems, there is still no answer to that. To me, it's more like a dog's head. XD haha. There is another myth from the same location whereby, busses will stop their engines, let it go, and it can still go forward by itself, even though it is going uphill.

This is one of the scenery I really jongmal jingja joahaeyo!! I really really like this sakura thingy, so nice .. so so nice okay. Chota!

Then it's time for miniature park. They have things like Leaning Tower of Pisa, Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal, and the one that represented Malaysia was ... something. However, I feel the Petronas represents Malaysia more, rather than that particular thing.

Ah ... no matter how many grand things are there, but, this is something one MUST know. How can anyone forget about this. It's compulsary okay. It's where all Korean dramas is broadcasted alright. What else if it's not KBS World. (Channel 303 in Astro).
I am trying to minimize the amount of pictures, as I can't possibly post ALL of them. If I do, I can't even finish by 8th September next year. =.=
if u post ALL pictures, it'll be SHO OVER!
hahah~ put up nampyeon's pic lah XD
an dweh!!! later people know ... they start harassing me!!!! a slideshow using photobucket :D
eee don wan damn long didnt log in already
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