This was a very impromptu trip to Krabi, Thailand. Ticket and hotel was booked lesser than a week prior to the flight date.
SP, Meow and yours truly decided to fly over there for a short vacation.

Welcome to Krabi. I have not stepped into Thailand since 2000 if am not mistaken. It's 10 freaking long years.

On the flight flying with Air Asia, I bumped into this dude. What a small world. My
ex-colleague during our previous job.

For the next few nights, this is our so-called home.

And, the first thing to do after checking into the hotel, it's to find some food to eat. We ended up with pizza. Yeah I know this is Thailand we should be having some Thai food instead. But hey, there are many hybrid restaurants there, like Italian Thai, German Thai and etc.

To walk along the beach after dinner is breathtaking.
Krabi nice place to visit.
Where did you check in @ krabi
Walau....the pizza look like foo yong tan!
Diamonds: I stayed in White Sand hotel .. not too bad :D
Melvin: I foo yong you then u know haha
Foo yong la.....i am waiting! lalalalala....:P
you come XD haha
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