It was one of the most embarrassing moment of my life, 2 days back.
The weather these days are so unpredictable. One minute it's shining brightly, the other it's raining so heavily you can't go anywhere.
I had no choice. I was in Pavillion, wanting to cross over to Farenheit. I was already late for class and I have already waited 10 minutes for the rain to slow down but it did not. Left without a choice, I ran across the road like a super hero, without an umbrella the moment the traffic light turned yellow. Yes, I was soaked in the rain like a homeless bear.
If you think that was bad enough, it wasn't. As I was running, and wet, it was so slippery. I did not fall so don't be too happy yet. My left shoes slipped off, and jang jang jang, it sped downhill so freaking fast I did not have time to even respond to that. All I could do was to look at it until off my sight it went. It did not end there, I went to look for it in the rain haha ... I could not find. I turned back, and headed to Farenheit then.
Thank God I was with my friend. She then went to buy a pair of slippers for me ... omigod, soaking wet, without my left shoe, it's no fun. RIP, shoe. Even though, I was soaked in the rain, didn't have a chance to clean up, dry up, and stuff like that for the next 3 hours, I am still so healthy. WHY????
dang! =/
hope you're allright.. try not to let your shoes run away like that again ya! try getting those with straps etc.. wtf I'm not sure whats it called..
hahaha am alright, but it's just so embarrassing ROFL ... hmm, sandles? But, I am a lazy person, I don't like the trouble of wearing and taking it off lolz
Wait, who are you haha
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