These days, I have been changing my own thoughts about some stuff and some people.
Knowing that, since that there were a few times that I have had my appointments been called off for any other reasons and excuses, I take it no more. Since that I can't change how people act, I shall change how I should respond to their empty promises. Right?
This is what I hate the most, people ask you out, and at the very last minute they cancel it. I believe emergencies do not always happen, and if it happens so frequently, then I guess, there must be something wrong with you. It's so frequent, that I'm tired of listening to all the explanations. Well, even if you can't make it, it doesn't take very long to inform the other party that you can't make it. Have some courtesy to do so, if you don't, it doesn't make you a nice friend at all.
Considering the past bitter experiences having FFK-ed, I have changed how I respond these days. I am no longer bothered if you can't make it anymore. It's totally okay if you wanna FFK because I have literally zero expectations from you already. It might be good news at first, but it actually isn't from your side because it means, slowly and gradually, we are definitely drifting very far apart, without you realizing that. I don't feel bad anymore, and I absolutely has no more feelings when it comes to stuff like that. I let it slip and go that I no longer get frustrated and irritated.
When I call you or text you and there's no reply, I assume it's off. It really came to that extent now. I no longer try to get hold on you. I will call and text just once, and if there's no answer, that's it. It's understood. I can't believe it came to this level, so... well, all the best yo.
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