Sunday, November 28, 2021

Hello December

Here we are, it's the end of the year. For some people, Christmas is just one day, for a song, it's 12 days, while for The Philippines, it starts in September. What does Christmas really mean? Historically, it is celebrated by Christians around the world celebrating the birth of Jesus. There are different renditions of Dec 25th. But in today's world, it's celebrated by a lot of people, Christians or not, as a year-end get-together. It's no longer a religious event only. I celebrate everything. Haha. I'm proudly Malaysian.

People enjoy being a Secret Santa to others, to put a smile on someone else's face. Admit it, it's a nice feeling. Of course, if you wanna get something, get something from your heart, not to get something just because you have to.

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are over. Next is Cyber Monday. It's the sales for Christmas. It means, there's going to be good sales around, online and offline. It's been awhile I have not done any shopping for the last one year to say the least. It has been a very challenging year for everyone, and I had my own share. I deserve some splurging. Haha.

Some random picture. First time in Malay traditional wear to attend a wedding recently. Don't worry, I wore mask and had social distancing. That's what we all do when we go out. Ah I have not worn this pair of ear rings for such a long time!

It's about time to top up my products, especially foundation, I need the BB CC Cream and not to forget my Innisfree too, are all finishing. I have not been to malls much since this year. I'll be honest, I am a bum. I don't like going to physical shops, one after another to go shopping and getting followed. Sure, it's nice to increase your step counts, to physically see it right before your eyes but I guess that's it. If you know the products well enough, then why not just get it online. For an introvert like me and especially during this difficult time, it's the best feeling ever that I need to thank the founder of food delivery apps (I don't need to call and talk to a human) as well as an e-retailer. It's the shopping season, yay! Just to clarify, I don't shop all year round. I ain't no shopaholic. I cannot afford to be that.

December, please treat me well. 

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