Sunday, June 30, 2024

Maui Island 1

It's year end in 2023 and everyone's traveling out of city, state or country. For us, we've decided to escape the cold and fly to Maui Island, Hawaii instead. The fire a couple of months prior was brutal, but here we are. Malaysia is too far, flight ticket was expensive. So, Hawaii it is! My skin is used to tropically hot weather (though I will still complain when it's the Malaysian hot). Yet when it's cold, I still do the same because it's too cold haha.

A very domesticated airport. The car rental was downstairs, got a car and off we went. It was late when we got back to our accommodation, or at least it's late for Seattle time (they are a few hours behind us) which makes it 19 hours time difference between Malaysia and Hawaii. haha.

Our first stop of the day is Tinroof, a take out kinda place. People can be seen waiting outside, and many of them before us. It was quite a long wait due to the amount of people so let's see if it is worth waiting. Chicken was good, shrimp was good but noodles was just okay. Portion is generally smaller and pricey though.

Venue: Tin Roof, Maui Kahului

When one goes to Hawaii, the first day itself has to include a beach right? haha. I honestly can't remember the beach name for this. 

Then, of course this, for no reason.

Without forgetting a Hawaiian drink. Well, it supposed to go with some food, poke bowl but, the pictures came out terrible due to the exposed sunlight as we were just outdoor having our lunch without any covered or shaded area. Sad.

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