Friday, January 16, 2009

Barbarian-ing at work

Today, I witnessed something so so badly, that I didn't wish I did. It's actually a factual thing about the happenings occurring here, just that I never encountered it myself.

There was this guy, some colleague of mine that I didn't wish I know at times, coz he is just weird, stood there in the middle of cafe, started starring at this cute trainee. Okay, I know she's cute and all, unlike the permanent staff ( HAHA ) but still ... if you want, don't make it so bloody obvious that you are god damn starring at her. It makes people so awkward and so uncomfortable. Bloody perverted ass. Sue you for sexual harassment.

Another colleague of mine, as embarassed as I am admitting that he is my colleague, I still gotta share this to people to spread the awareness ( kononnya-la) haha. He will stare at girls from head to toe and toe to head, and you in the other hand, will not know how to react with this kinda people. You will be extremely dumbfounded and stunned that people like this do exist.

When I first joined, I got kinda freaked out with him and only then I got used to it, just ignore him like he was never there, treat him as transparent as possible but must know when to say things that will make him not interested to do such things anymore. Like so whatever right people like these. They do exist, all around, and I guess you just gotta live with it and deal with it in your own ways.

These species exist and they act like some barbarians, really. They act as if they have never seen girls in their entire life, and they act as if we are like some species that is so far from them, totally different, like a whole new different species from them. People people, please do behave yourself. It's not funny, you know? Laugh all you can but I still don't think it's funny.


Alienstargurlz said...

ha ha ha. ya i know they exist. sesat species. haih. we are people leh, not objects.

The Pondering Introvert said...

exactly la .. dunno what the heck is wrong with him, stare like dunno what only, get a gay guy to stare at them like that then they know unfortunately gays also will definitely reject them lolz

Kyels said...

I'd love to see how he stares but it sure is freaky and impolite to just stare at girls that way.


Maybe you can teach him some manners?

The Pondering Introvert said...

kyels: i dont even wanna be involved, and looking at them just make me sick suddenly the feeling nauseous arise lolz