Friday, May 22, 2009

There comes again

After being quiet and peaceful for sometime now, there comes the message again. I have absolutely no problem with him messaging me, I got no trouble with it. But ... yes there's a but ...

First he message me, yada yada yada, saying we can be friends again, just treat him like how I treat Mafia. But ... Mafia IS Mafia, and he is NOT mafia, that's why I can't give them the same treatment. Well, then he came on saying he heard that I have a bf now .. just to let you know, it's made up in FB so .. yeah, not like everyone knows that we made that up, and I went to the extent to put his picture up there too. He got the news from his beloved colleagues I am sure and his colleagues do not know me, just that we work in the same place. Thus, they added and just fyi, I deleted him. :) He was just trying to be how it was before, when I was still in talking terms with him. But right now, I don't even look at him anymore, for certain reasons, I can't be like how I was.

I, being me, gotta portray what I always do, so trying to be nice, I replied him. I told him, no .. I am just treating him like a stranger, and no, I can't talk to him like how I talk to Mafia, it's impossible. He may dream, he may hope, it's not wrong to do that, but it will not happen. It could be a reality, perhaps yes perhaps, if I go into a coma and forget everything the next day. Do I have a bf or not, is my business, and has got nothing to do with him.

He, oh well that typical chauvinist, being himself again, like as if got provoked, saying that I am being too much, being over in everything, and he is just trying to bond the relationship, and he misses everyone this and that. He went on adding saying that he never do anything against me. Oh really? If you say so. He told me I will never reply him if I hated him that much. Added again saying that it's my life whether I have a bf or not and saying we don't lose anything even though we are not friends. See, after my reply, he totally changed. Guys tsk ... Well, do you think I have no life to hate him? Oh Mein Gott! Puh-leez.

Yes yes, whatever had happened to me, and is happening to me, and will happen ... is MY life, so you don't have to do anything. I will not ask you for your help either. Plus, I am not dying for your friendship, I want NOTHING from you. If you wanna know what have you done to me to deserve this treatment from me, well A LOT. One of it is that you have betrayed my trust and threatened me before, which you later then turned things around, as always. You think that whatever you have said I have forgotten, heh NEVER. I remember every single words. I may not take that into actions, but I REMEMBER. Wanna take revenge on me, or not, is up to you really, but I got no time to hate you whatsoever. Some people can close their eyes and throw your words away, not me. I have all the proof that you said so, all the evidence.

Thanks, but you are just too different from your bestie, like Heaven and Earth, no wonder they say besties have 2 types, one is the similar one, the other is the opposing ones, and I am sure this is the opposing ones. Oh well ... good luck with your life, and I think it's time to grow up for you eh ;)


y.u.w.e.n said...

haha again. you're a loser/no life species magnet wei ;p

The Pondering Introvert said...

retard la seriously, it's called mofo ...