Friday, December 18, 2009

Til then, we shall meet again

It's just a blink 2 years had passed. You are now back home in your country. :)

Though we did not click instantly, but .. somehow, as time passes, the downs, the ups, that we shared together made us bond with each other. You came running to me when I was under your team, giving me tremendous amount of pressure that I felt so like resigning there and then haha. But, anyhows, we were good once again. That also made us being even closer than we were.

I will never forget the times we had together, the times when you were forcing me to learn French from you haha, I said I could not, and I am not good at it, and I just suck at it, but you assured me that it's all good, and that I have the thing in me to learn it, but I denied all the way as always. I also remember the times we went out partying haha ... man, how could I forget those times, and also the stressful times together, like we are really a family here.

That aside, not to mention, personal things that we share, remember when you, as a foreigner, gotta show me the way to the Thai massage place. I felt so bad as a local here, haha damn, it's embarassing.

You have decided what you want, is to be close to your family, and I am glad that you have made a decision. Well, as a friend, I say, all the best in your future undertakings, in whichever path you go to. It's not the end of us. It's never a goodbye. If fate permits, we shall meet again, it might be here, it might be Lebanon, who knows. We will cross path again. Afterall, the world is round. Remember to always take your medicine, don't go psycho, don't freak people out okay. haha. Though we might have parted ways, but memories stay on. I will never ever forget it, who had taught me ... yala yala halas and ma salam haha... well, it was fun having you around.

Anyways, keep in touch always, and take care. Til then, we shall see in FB haha ...

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